Sunday 5 September 2010

More boring EDL stuff. Sorry.

I wanted to give us all a rest from this EDL nonsense but seeing as they put so much effort into entertaining us it seems mean not to give them one more little splash. They had the Kronenberg Choir organised and a brave attempt at their signature number "Allah is a Paedo" was only partly drowned out by the sound of passing sparrows farting.
Some of the less dedicated press started to drift off at that point so they quickly launched into a round of Scary Pointing At The Photographer.
That just left time for the glorious Flag Finale - pity they'd not had time for a rehearsal
before they sloped off back under their flat stones once more.
Ho hum. I'll do something more interesting next time, I promise.

slide show


  1. Do you ever get depressed being around these sorts of people David, I know I would :-(

  2. Keeping busy shining a light on them, showing what they really are cheers me up.

  3. Indeed you are a good photographer. I like your site. It is nice & neat.
    I met you in the last demo in London. I found you very helpful and kind.
    God bless you.
    Take care

  4. How strange. The comment above apparently by me, isn't by me at all...
