Sunday 20 December 2009

A very British non event

Frankly, if the EDL are only going to send 10 confused looking blokes when half the Met has been briefed, fed, watered & deployed to hold back their terrifying menace then I'm not about to waste good Xmas drinking time editing the the pictures. So they're a week late. Tough.

Even when they have a pop at me (and three of these buggers tried it on last Sunday) they just wave their hands around like Bad Mummy. This guy waving at me, Joel Titus, is meant to be one of their major assets. Yes, really.

I do think I deserve better thuggery after all these years.



  1. and the man had the nerve to boast "a good day for the EDL pepes. a few uaff cameras got wrecked." Get a grip JT.

  2. Gosh it does one a power of good to see such a lame performance from the forces of evil...
